RCA Trimester One
In Western European Art, outer appearances are indicative of inner beauty
Can I invert the paradigm to depict the imperfect not as a sign of inner corruption but lived truth which, like the works of Bacon, might express empathy and pity for the imperfect state we inexorably find ourselves in?
As Bacon observed this is not about a belief in God , but a faith in Man . To believe in man whilst accepting his inexorable fallibility is the Faith we need to in a secular age . We do not go on, but our ideas values and hopes might .
Imperfect (I’m Perfect). October 2024
A Short video of my working ideation as of iteration 3 (see below) , installed as a polytych. Staging and narrative text is an important and long standing consideration within my practice, as accesibility to the ideas is a key metric of success for me. Although future works will likely be different and evolve they will be begun with this kind of accessible staging in mind.
Steps in visualising an ideation, Sept - Nov 2024
First Iteration Sept
Studies about classical & allegorical figures after Titian (triptych). Dossiie’s Varnish painting system on canvas
Key Ideation
Interior and exterior forms incoroporating ecorche
Second Iteration
Exploring ecorche and interior/ exterior forms. Original work (triptych). Varnish painting, dry media and oil on canvas
Third iteration
Ideation and process resolved. Impercfect (polytych) Oil, excavated varnish painting, dry media and gloss on canvas.
Fourth Iteration
Using unprimed substrates to increase ambiguity. Oil , dry media and gloss on unprimed canvas
Fifth Iteration
Increasing liminality of figures and emphasising temporality, addition of more psychologically active colour